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Post 36 - Hope, Freedom, Truth

Recap: Last week we completed a review of some of the election-related verses in the Gospel of John with an illustration Jesus gives that, I believe, summarizes the purpose and effect of his earthly ministry. Jesus, through an allegory, tells the Pharisees that he will be sending trained, divinely-enabled spiritual shepherds into the world. Those who receive the message of these shepherds will follow them out of the world and into the kingdom of God. Those who continue to reject their message, who continue to harden their hearts and who stubbornly and permanently cement their refusal to love the truth, will remain in the world. All will be will be judged on the last day.

A Note About Purpose

In the letter to the saints at the church in Ephesus, the apostle Paul prays that these new believers might "grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ' (Eph 3:18) - a love that Paul says "surpasses knowledge" (Eph 3:19).

I felt compelled to write a book about the doctrine of election and to begin this blog site with the purpose of sharing a wonderful, hope-filled, true-to-the-Bible understanding of a doctrine which, I believe, extols the unimaginable love of God, but which has been coopted and corrupted over the centuries, often replacing the God who loves immeasurably and impartially with a god who is hell-bent on displaying his glory through power and punishment.

Additionally, the traditional views of the doctrine of election and predestination that have permeated our Christian faith have placed a huge burden on many Christians. On the one hand, Calvinism proposes a god who has predetermined a fixed future for all people, sovereignly and unchangeably determining who would be saved and who would perish. On the other hand, the traditional non-Calvinists courageously attempt to rescue the goodness of God from the clutches of Calvinism but, in my opinion, fail to convincingly exegete the dozens of verses that seem to support a Calvinistic interpretation of divine election. This leaves faithful and compassionate seekers of truth with an apparent dilemma; follow the heart, or follow the scriptures.

It is my opinion that we don't have to choose between compassion and biblical truth. I believe that in the pages of Scripture is an understanding of New Testament election that reveals a wonderful plan for the salvation of the world by a loving and compassionate God who desires that all be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4). In other words, contrary to the teaching of some churches, the Bible truly supports the compassion you feel in your heart for the lost. God feels it too.

... "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, (John 8:31 ESV)

and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32 ESV)

Hope, freedom, truth. Those are the goals and the purpose behind my efforts.


I have been told by a number of people that they're having trouble keeping up with the weekly posts. I know that much of what I have been sharing is a departure from traditional teaching and takes time to absorb. Although there is much more to be said, this seems like a good time to take a short hiatus. My thought is to pick up where we left off in the fall, after the release of my book, God's Elect - The Chosen Generation.

In the meantime, I wanted to express my gratitude to those who have really been intent in their struggle to come to a clear understanding of the doctrine of election and have been supportive and encouraging. The Lord rewards those who truly seek him (Heb 11:6). There is victory in the seeking. I pray that God will reward your efforts.

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I will always welcome your thoughts, comments, concerns, either in support or in objection.




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