Recap: In the last post we challenged the notion of divine determinism/meticulous providence - the belief that God controls/micromanages everything that happens in this world. I proposed that while many of the biblical events - especially those critical to God's redemptive plan - were undeniably "according to God's definite plan and foreknowledge" (Acts 2:23), it doesn't necessarily follow that God always works in that way. I provided an alternative understanding of Genesis 50:20 in which God turns the evil done by man into something good, which I proposed is the more common modus operandum of God.
Today, I wanted to look at an amazing work of God given to each of us that I'm referring to as "human infrastructure."
Say What?
Words and their definitions have always been appropriated for nefarious purposes by people in power to deceive the masses and to achieve some desired goal. They know that if they control the language, they control the masses. Think Nazi Germany.
The term "infrastructure" rightfully conjures up thoughts of roads, bridges, utilities, etc.; things required to provide the services necessary to keep a society healthy and productive. Recently, we've been hearing a lot about "human infrastructure" from those in power. It seems to be their strategy to refer to various expensive social programs as "human infrastructure," believing that the enormous cost of these programs can be hidden behind an "infrastructure" label, obscuring the fact that the bill is void of any money for real infrastructure projects, like roads, bridges, airports, utilities, etc.
True Human Infrastructure
Although this tactic of labelling social programs as "human infrastructure" is intended to obfuscate, the Bible actually presents something that could easily be referred to as real human infrastructure.
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. (Psalm 139:13-16 ESV)
Several months ago, while preaching on the subject of the holiness of God, I made the claim that God has predestined all human beings to become his children by preloading us with true "human infrastructure." Aware that the term "predestined" was going to cause some consternation, I explained that there is a type of predestination by God that does not imply divine providence. I used the example of an acorn. We could rightly say that an acorn is predestined to become an oak tree. That is, an acorn can never be anything but an oak tree because of how God formed its molecular and biological "infrastructure." Yet, of course, we know that not all acorns take root and grow into beautiful oak trees.
In a similar way, I believe the Bible teaches that God has predestined all of us to become his children, lovingly forming us and providing us with all of the necessary grace to help us grow into beautiful children in God's household. Yet, sadly, not all of us become His children. A general term for this predestining infrastructure is "prevenient grace."
I discussed this in a couple of previous posts (Post #8 - Jan 17, 2021; Post 22 - Apr 25, 2021), but here is a brief overview what I believe to be true human infrastructure - the amazing features placed in all of us as we were lovingly formed by a gracious God.
Human spirit - "If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body" (1 Corinthians 15:44 ESV). All people are given a human spirit by God. I believe that the human spirit is simply the conduit placed in each of us by which God's Spirit communicates with us - Spirit to spirit. According to the apostle Paul, this is how God reveals "spiritual things to spiritual people" (1 Cor 2:13).
God's word written on our hearts - (Jer 31:33, Rom 2:15). Paul says that even when the Gentiles who do not know God do what is right, it is because God has written his law on their hearts.
Conscience - Our conscience is given to us to interpret, discern and bear witness to what is right and true and good (Rom 2:15). Unfortunately, our conscience can be corrupted (1 Tim 4:2), and grow weak (1 Cor 8:7), even becoming evil (Heb 120:22), losing the ability to properly discern right from wrong and to know what is pleasing to God.
Finally, the God who meticulously knit us together in our mothers' wombs, gives all people life, breath and everything else" (Acts 17:25).
In Post 22 I referred to these gifts from God--this prevenient grace--as "the basic human glorification gift pack." I believe this universal grace given to all is what our founding fathers understood when they wrote that "all men are created equal." These God-given gifts are embedded in all of us to predestine us to grow into children of God just as an acorn is predestined to become an oak tree. This is, in part, why people are without excuse to know God (Romans 1:20).
Final Thought
This "human infrastructure"/prevenient grace that God has given us to know him, also serves to impart to us a thirst to seek Him, an enablement to believe, a hope to empower, and a heart to love. But these riches can only be realized when we commune with Him in spirit and in truth. Indeed, people have always sought for ways to tap into these divine resources and to satisfy our unexplainable longing for meaning and fulfillment - usually grasping at earthly idols - "[worshiping] created things rather than the Creator" (Rom 1:25). But only in Him can the emptiness be filled. Only in Him can the thirst be sated.
Although this wasn't intended to be a Thanksgiving post, let's be sure that we give thanks for the wonder of our predestination, drink in the thirst-quenching water that God provides, and fulfill God's desire for us to grow into the beautiful "oak trees" in the kingdom.
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